
Workshops @ Lohmühle

15.09. @ Lohmühle Area Start 15:00h
Lohmühlenstrasse 17 / 12435 Berlin

( Find the workshops at Funkhaus Grünau >>here )

Bikesexual Upcycling workshop

DIY! Belts, earrings, bracelets, curtain-holders, foot mats, whatever we could need! Come with ideas, wishes, or your favourite bike part that unfortunately got broken, or just simple curiosity!


15.9. // starts 15:00h

Body extensions

For several years Karkatag collective was working on so called "alterego machines" - machines that work in symbiosis with a person as an extension and further expression of (hidden) performing self.

"Body extensions" would be the first collective's workshop dealing with such idea. Work would consider making smaller scale interactive mechanisms that could represent possible limbs, such as tails, horns, wings, membranes and any other, never seen ones. All the tools and material for the workshops are provided (but you can always bring some inspiring objects).


15.9. // starts 15:00h

Swap-shop and handmade clothes

Come enjoy the swapping, recycling and creating of clothes! In the swap shop we get things back into the circle. The idea is simple: things that you don't need anymore are exactly what other people have been looking for for quite some time. The swap shop will help you understand what you actually use out of the million things you have at home, while making it possible for you to find new unexpected stuff. Swapping makes a lot of fun and creates a joyful alternative to the non-fair textile market. So bring the things that other people could enjoy and come swapping!!

In the handmade-clothes sewing station you can create your new original clothes by recycling your old ones. Come and repair, recycle, upcycle old t-shirts, jeans or whatever you like! Learn new sewing tricks and get inspired by creating things together! If you cannot sew no problem- we will help you!

15.9. // starts 15:00h

ArtSpecs Lab

ArtSpecs Lab will be giving a kids and media workshop. Kids will help us document the event in a fun way. We will have an interview station and a roaming camera that will be controlled by the participants of the workshop. They will interview festival goers (who can dress up and disguise themselves if desired), and every hour new participants can join and more camera instructions will be given. It is up to the participants of the workshop as to how the event will be documented.


15.9. // starts 15:00h

Loesje creative text writing "Recycle words"

With the poster girl Loesje you can drop in and recycle words or make up your own. Welcome!


15.9. // starts 15:00h

Plant repair work shop

Would you like to get your hands dirty with soil? Do you know how a carrot flower looks like? Does your house plant look sad in old soil? Or do you have spare seeds to give away? In this work shop we will experiment with scraps of fruits and vegetables, replant house plants and make plant babies and offer a place for swopping seeds.

Many fruits and vegetables can grow green plants from seeds, after you have eaten them. Bring with you some carrots, beetroots, onions, garlic or potato or the seeds of an avocado, citrus fruits, mango or other fruits and we will together plant them in soil or water depending on the plant.

If you have sad house plants that would get happy in new soil, bring them with you and we will look if the plant can make some babies too, to be shared with others. Also if you have some extra seeds, that you would like to share we offer a seed swopping box, since a city gardener doesn’t need thousands of the same seeds, but instead it’s nice to have many different ones. Warmly welcome to drop by even if you just want to take a look or help a little bit!


15.9. // starts 15:00h

Be a trashion model on Trashion Show

The trashion Show is an upcycling workshop leaded by diferent upcyclers artists. Gogotrash; freak show designers; Gyom Diop; as The Tape Master; The rest berater family; Rest investors.

In this workshop, we gonna build clothe and costume with trash. At 16 o'clok in the afternoon we gonna make a first show presenting the concept to the people and inviting them to participate. The rest of the afternoon, until Sunset we work with the people on building a bigger freakier trashion show with them. The aim of the trashion show is to involve people, have fun, to reveal the artist deep inside everyone and turn it into a big joke!

15.9. // starts 15:00h

Transfurniture workshop

Three legs, one hat, lying in the corner - what is it? Too broken to be used, too beloved to be thrown away? Bring Your favourite chair/ table/ shelf or any other piece of furniture what needs some creative improvement, or serious repair work and lets fix it together! By help of Tom and Marco we will discover all the possible and imposiible transformations of furniture!

15.9. // starts 15:00h

TRASHY Schmuck und KUNST workshops

Jewels and art will be created during these workshops. from plastic till cotton or paper or recycled objects. Everything others throw away will be used to make jewelery and art on the day. participants can bring their own trash to experiment with in making art or jewelery. The best jewelery made will be used in the trash fashion show.

15.9. // 16:00-18:00h

Workshops @ Funkhaus Grünau

18.09. - 22.09. @ Funkhaus Grünau
Regattastraße 277 / 12527 Berlin-Grünau

Carpenter's workshop

18.9. // 12:00h-15:00h
19.9. // 12:00h-15:00h
20.9. // 12:00h-15:00h 
21.9. // 12:00h-15:00h  

Body extensions

For several years Karkatag collective was working on so called "alterego machines" - machines that work in symbiosis with a person as an extension and further expression of (hidden) performing self.

"Body extensions" would be the first collective's workshop dealing with such idea. Work would consider making smaller scale interactive mechanisms that could represent possible limbs, such as tails, horns, wings, membranes and any other, never seen ones. All the tools and material for the workshops are provided (but you can always bring some inspiring objects).

18.9. // 14:00h - 18:00h
19.9. // 14:00h - 18:00h
20.9. // 10:00h - 14:00h
21.9. // 16:00h - 20:00h
22.9. // starts 13:00h

Nature digital

Nature is of course a big recycler and inspires our creativity on the matter. How can we make the recycle power of nature visible and get connected to it by using digital media? How can we give nature „digital voices“ to collaborate better with it?

In the workshop we will explore ideas on the subject and also our landscape/biological environment around Grünau! (No programming required. Bring your laptops and cameras if you want.)


22.9. // 13:00h-16:30h

Swap-shop and handmade clothes

Come enjoy the swapping, recycling and creating of clothes! In the swap shop we get things back into the circle. The idea is simple: things that you don't need anymore are exactly what other people have been looking for for quite some time. The swap shop will help you understand what you actually use out of the million things you have at home, while making it possible for you to find new unexpected stuff. Swapping makes a lot of fun and creates a joyful alternative to the non-fair textile market. So bring the things that other people could enjoy and come swapping!!

In the handmade-clothes sewing station you can create your new original clothes by recycling your old ones. Come and repair, recycle, upcycle old t-shirts, jeans or whatever you like! Learn new sewing tricks and get inspired by creating things together! If you cannot sew no problem- we will help you!

22.9. // starts 13:00h


Making fast hair deko or extensions for everyday life or special events.

22.9. // 14:00h-16:00h
22.9. // 13:00h-16:00h 

Welding workshop

... with Luca

20.9. // 18:00h - 20:00h

Cradle to cradle

Cradle to cradle( is the concept of endless recyclable products – how can we design our products in a way that they could always be used as rich ever growing ressource mines for our futures? There are a lot of cradle to cradle projects and efforts out there but most of them are closed source. What can happen when we add the ideas of open hardware/ open source/ open design to cradle to cradle design? What possibilities could come out of this combination? What can a cradle to cradle design (r)evolution gain from openness and what can openness gain from the build in „material connectivity“ of cradle to cradle products and designs? In the workshop we will discuss ideas on the subject and invent and build some open source cradle to cradle products.


21.9. // 17:00h-20:00h

Bikesexual: DIY sextoys from bicycle parts

Learn how to make a harness, handcuffs, a collar, a whip or just a bracelet or jewellery, all from broken bicycle parts, with simple techniques, to make your sex life as dirty, as cheap and as green as you like, and to go beyond the limits of what you can get in a sex shop.


22.9. // 14:00-17:00h
22.9. // 20:00-24:00h 

TRASHY Schmuck und KUNST workshops

Jewels and art will be created during these workshops. from plastic till cotton or paper or recycled objects. Everything others throw away will be used to make jewelery and art on the day. participants can bring their own trash to experiment with in making art or jewelery. The best jewelery made will be used in the trash fashion show.

15.9. // 16:00-18:00h
15.9. // 20:00-22:00h 

What is biodiversity ?

how can i do biodiversity in my garden? is it important for the plants or insects... you can be future-designer of your little earthplace. be a scientist in your woods or garden. inox kapell ( musician, artist and entomological scientist) tells about this fluxus way into green and biodiverstiy future in german language.


22.9. // 19:30-21:00h